Siriraj Medical Journal (Apr 2017)

Anatomical Variations of Ulnar Artery in Hand: Clinical Importance

  • Rajesh Thangarajan,
  • Biswabina Ray,
  • Alok Saxena

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 65, no. 4


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The ulnar artery shows different patterns in hand and provides major contribution in the formation of superficial palmar arch.Wehavedissectedtwentyfourhandspecimens tofollow the courseof theulnar arteryanditsbranches. Classi- cal radio-ulnar arch asobserved in all hand specimens exceptone female cadaveric specimen where four common palmardigital arteries were arising from the convexity of the SPA instead of three as seen in classical radio-ulnar arch. The first common palmardigital artery wasdividingintoarteria radialis indicis andarteriaprincepspollicis. The arch was completed by superficial palmar branch of radial artery. One exclusive communication was reported between radial artery proper and arteria princeps pollicis. Knowledge about arterial variations will be useful for cardiovascular surgeons, radiologists and anatomists working in this area. Occlusion of the arteries may lead to ischemia characterised by claudication, rest pain and gangrene ifuntreated. Therefore, anatomy of the arteries and the possibility of developing collateral circulation is of utmost importance.
