Nauplius (Jun 2022)
Sphaeromopsis jayaraji sp. nov. (Crustacea: Isopoda), a new species of intertidal Sphaeromatidae from the Andaman Islands, northern Indian Ocean
Abstract Sphaeromopsis jayaraji sp. nov. is described from intertidal habitats on the coast of South Andaman, Andaman Islands, the second record of the genus from India. Sphaeromopsis jayaraji sp. nov. is characterized by the following: epistome being widest anteriorly, with a broadly rounded anterior margin and sub-parallel lateral margins, anterior margin with widely spaced plumose setae; pleotelson posterior margin produced to narrowly rounded apex with five setae; uropodal exopod dorsal surface with two deep longitudinal mesial grooves; endopod lateral margin weakly sinuate with long setae, apex with deep mesial groove with plumose setae.