Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Bìologìâ, Ekologìâ (Nov 2013)

Automated experiment for registration of bioelectrical potentials

  • D. V. Chernetchenko,
  • M. P. Motsnyj,
  • N. P. Botsva,
  • О. V. Elina,
  • M. M. Milykh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 2
pp. 70 – 75


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A hardware-software complex automated system of recording bioelectrical potentials, which is based on a USB-device with subsequent processing of signals with PC was developed in this work. We proposed a universal scheme of registration of bioelectrical potentials, which allows one to detect the reaction of biological objects to different stimuli, such as cold, heat, photo- and electrical stimulation, and to different combinations of these stimuli (Motsnyj et al., 2004). They could be applied for deeper understanding of the biological mechanisms of generation of electrical potentials in cells and discovering the accommodation processes of organisms as a whole to these stimuli. The system for registration of bioelectrical potentials consists of hardware and software parts. The software part consists of the client and server sides, which transmit experimental data to the network. The client-side software renders a quantitative analysis and stores the results in a database. An integrated system of registration and biometrical processing was applied for analysis of the electrical responses of maize leaves to heat stimuli. The dynamics of these potentials were studied and a quantitative analysis of the potential level stabilization was made. We found that amplitude relation of responses to the initial response increased and stabilized at the level of 130%. Mathematical models of the plant cell for discovering intracellular mechanisms of biopotentials registration were developed. As a result of modeling, we found that the electrical response of the cells is based on selective conductance of the cell membrane for Н+ and K+ ions. By this way, we show the biophysical relation of plant potentials to intracellular biophysical mechanisms.
