Fogorvosi Szemle (Sep 2023)
Dental fear and anxiety, dental rehabilitation of an anxious patient, long-term follow-up
Introduction: Anxiety related to dental treatments is a phenomenon known to all dentists. Recognizing and alleviating this emotional response is the dentists’ duty. When dental fear progresses into phobia, and the patient reacts to every dental procedures related situation with such intense fear that it already affects her entire behavior and general condition, external help may be necessary. Material and methods: Dental fear and anxiety. It is important to be able to separate a panic attack from other lifethreatening conditions (e.g. heart attack, anaphylactic shock). The symptoms of a panic attack are quite common and can be extremely sever, such as shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation, tachycardia, chest pain, trembling of the limbs, feeling of fainting, fear of death. Measurement of dental anxiety: Several questionnaires are available to measure dental fear, the two most significant of which (Dental Anxiety Scale and Dental Fear Survey) are also available in Hungarian. Treatment of dental fear: The most important and fundamental method is a detailed communication with the patient. The “tell-show-do” technique: we describe in simple words what will happen during the treatment, then we show the patient what tools we are going to use. Results, Case report: In our case report, we present the oral rehabilitation of a patient with severe dental fear. During the treatment of the lady, her dental fear could be significantly reduced, her willingness to cooperate steadily improved, and consequently a demanding dental prosthesis, including an implant prosthetic solution could be made. Discussion: Recognition of dental anxiety from the initial steps and the use of anxiety-relieving methods (that can be easily applied “chair side”) facilitating a significant improvement in the quality of life of a young lady. The long-term follow- up confirm that the patient’s oral health related quality of life significantly improved.