Mise au Point (Dec 2019)
Du « fansubbing » à « l’ubérisation » du sous-titrage : impact du numérique sur le marché français de la traduction audiovisuelle
Since 2010s, the development of practises in the field of the translation led to a serious degradation of the job of professional translators of subtitling. Indeed, the development of the "fansubbing" (a grouping of fan who subtitling of episodes of television series in a voluntary way and illegally, to make them directly available, via internet, the next day after their broadcasting), strongly modified the expectations of the spectators. To answer the new requirements of the spectators, several French television channels offer from now on series in "US+24" (the next day after their broadcasting in the United States) forcing the professional translators to work in new conditions. Moreover, the methods practised by some big American studios which to make subtitle of their series, by novice students and underpaid, affect largely in the quality of the subtitling and the reception of the series. Finally, since the implementation in 2016 by Arte of the "collaborative subtitling" and the launch by the American platform of VOD Netflix of a site allowing to test at a distance the skills of the translators (professionals or not), the limit between professionals and amateurs seems more and more unclear.