Jurnal Elkomika (Oct 2022)

Kajian Kelayakan Solar Rooftop On-Grid untuk Kebutuhan Listrik Bengkel Mesin di Polinema


Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 4


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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan studi kelayakan berupa perencanaan, simulasi dan analisis teknis maupun ekonomis pemasangan solar rooftop sistem on-grid di gedung Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Malang (Polinema). Metode perencanaan dan simulasi menggunakan software PvSyst 6.88. Kajian kelayakan instalasi solar rooftop ini berdasarkan : Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index (PI) dan Pay Back Period (PBP).Kebutuhan listrik di bengkel mesin adalah 505,8 kWh/hari. Daya Rencana solar rooftop sebesar 332 kWh (65,6%) dan sisanya dari PLN. Hasil simulasi diperoleh panel surya tipe monocrystalline 440 Wp sebanyak 169 unit dan 6 unit inverter jaringan 12 kVa.Energi listrik yang diproduksi dapat mencapai 101,6 MWh/tahun. Performa sistem sebesar 83,63%. Modal awal adalah Rp. 1.281.440.000,00, NPV adalah Rp. 919.842.956,00, dan PI bernilai 1,72. Sehingga estimasi PBP adalah 11,18 tahun. Sehingga berdasarkan aspek teknis dan aspek ekonomis, proyek Solar Rooftop On-Grid ini dinilai layak dilaksanakan. Kata kunci: studi kelayakan, tenaga surya, solar rooftop, on-grid, PvSyst  ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to conduct a feasibility study on installing a solar rooftop on-grid system at the State Polytechnic of Malang's Mechanical Engineering building, which will include design, simulation, and technical and economic analysis.PvSyst 6.88 software is used in the planning and simulation methods.Analysis of investment feasibility consists of Net Present Value (NPV), Profitability Index (PI), and Pay Back Period (PBP). The electricity demand in the machine workshop reaches 505.8 kWh/day. The solar rooftop solar plan power is 332 kWh (65.6%) and the rest is from PLN. The simulation results obtained 169 units of 440 Wp monocrystalline solar panels and 6 units of 12 kVa grid inverters. The electrical energy produced can reach 101.6 MWh/year. The performance ratio is 83.63%.The total investment is IDR 1,281,440,000with an NPV of IDR 919,842,956, and PI is 1.72. So the estimated PBP is 11.18 years. So based on the technical and economic aspects, the Solar Rooftop On-Grid project is considered feasible. Keywords: feasibility study, solar energy, solar rooftop, on-grid, PvSyst
