Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões ()
Effect of the celexoxib in microscopic changes of the esophageal mucosal of rats induced by esofagojejunostomy
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the protective effect of celecoxib in the esophageal mucosa in rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy. METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats from the vivarium of the University of Health Sciences of Alagoas were used for the experiment. The animals were divided into four groups: Group I, 15 rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy with the use of celecoxib postoperatively; Group II, 15 rats undergoing esofagojejunostomy without the use of celecoxib; Group III, 15 rats undergoing celiotomy with bowel manipulation; and Group IV, 15 rats without surgery and using celecoxib. The observation period was 90 days. After the death of the animals, the distal segment of the esophagus was resected and sent for microscopic analysis. RESULTS: esofagojejunostomy caused macroscopic and microscopic esophagitis. Esophagitis was equal in both groups I and II. In groups III and IV esophageal lesions were not developed. CONCLUSIONS: celecoxib had neither protective nor inducing effect on esophagitis, but had a protective effect on dysplasia of the animals of group I.