Българско е-Списание за Археология (Dec 2021)
Находки от района на Вършец в контекста на прехода от желязна към римска епоха в Северна България (III в.пр.Хр. – началото на II в.сл.Хр.)
The museum collection in Varshets shelters several artefacts, which are the focus of the current paper. The selection of items under examination comprises artefacts, datable to the Late Iron Age (3rd–1st century BC/ LT C-D) or to the Roman period (1st– early 2nd century AD). The materials kept in the Varshets museum collection are divided into two major groups related to the local culture and the Early Roman Empire. The native objects are almost entirely typical for the so-called Padea–Spahii group. Most certainly, they came from a destroyed necropolis which consisted of at least three graves. The Early Roman group can safely be linked to the Imperial army of 1st century AD. The appearance of such finds near the mountain can be explained by control of the mountain passes or exploitation of the rich silver deposits. However, the lack of information concerning the exact findspots of the items discussed here makes all interpretations a risky endeavor.