Diversity (Jun 2021)
Of Necks, Trunks and Tails: Axial Skeletal Diversity among Vertebrates
The axial skeleton of all vertebrates is composed of individual units known as vertebrae. Each vertebra has individual anatomical attributes, yet they can be classified in five different groups, namely cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and caudal, according to shared characteristics and their association with specific body areas. Variations in vertebral number, size, morphological features and their distribution amongst the different regions of the vertebral column are a major source of the anatomical diversity observed among vertebrates. In this review I will discuss the impact of those variations on the anatomy of different vertebrate species and provide insights into the genetic origin of some remarkable morphological traits that often serve to classify phylogenetic branches or individual species, like the long trunks of snakes or the long necks of giraffes.