В мире научных открытий (Jun 2016)
Immunodepressive state risk at patient with toxic damage is one of the reasons for the search of the remedy with hepatoprotective and immunoregulation properties. There was established that extract of marine hydrobiont Halocynthia aurantium (AE) possess the hepato-and membranoprotection effects. Immunoactivity properties of AE on the background of the experimental acute toxic hepatitis caused by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 50% in olive oil, 2 ml/kg during 4 days) at rats Wistar (40 animals, male) were investigated. It was known, that CCl4 action the metabolically and immune process disturbance in animals manifested. It was shown that 7 days after CCl4 action there did not any positive changes in the peripheral blood cells and lymphoid organs of animals. This data was shown that negative consequence of toxic influence at rats continued. АЕ administration (24 mg/kg) during 7days after CCl4 action provided positive effect on the leukocytes and lymphocytes population at rats. There was established that CD8+ higher level decrease (on 25-30%, p≤0,05), CD4+ quantity increase. Moreover there was stimulated T-helper lymphocytes activity and recovered the immunity reactions by optimization T-helper/T-suppressor lymphocytes correlation and this index approaches to the normal condition in blood and spleen under AE influence. The depressed by CCl4 action lymphoproliferative processes in spleen and thymus was restoration to intact level in animals with AE. And there was pronounced stimulating effect on the nonspecific immunoglobulins synthesis too. These results possibly are the evidence of B-lymphocyte functional activity increased and humoral reactivity intensify by AE. The positive effect of AE may be explained both direct action on cellular and humoral parameters of immunity and promote the restoration of conditions for normal interaction between different parts of immune system. Thus, this data was demonstrated the potential use of AE for immunity correction in acute toxic hepatitis conditions.