المجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي (Jun 2011)

The Mechanism of Thesis Quality Assurance A case Study on the Middle East University

  • Mohammad A. Matr,
  • Abdalnasسer Noor,
  • Mahmood Ebrahim Hafd

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4


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The Mechanism of Thesis Quality Assurance A case Study on the Middle East University The study aimed at defining and evaluating the foundations of the thesis quality Control system across various specializations at the Middle East University (MEU) for the purpose of identifying the points of strength and the points of weaknesses, if any to address and rectify them. The study consisted of two parts, theoretical and empirical; the first reviews in general concepts related to quality assurance and quality control in higher education institutions, with reference to goals, requirements and means to achieve them. Further more, it addresses study plans, teaching methods academic research and methods of evaluation. The second part which is empirical aimed to uncover the view points of three concerned groups, namely; thesis track students currently enrolled in the (MA) programs, graduate students of the MA programs and finally faculty members who are entrusted with the task of supervising students. For this purpose a random sample was selected to represent the three groups. The instrument of the study was a questionnaire developed by the researchers to collect data and consisted of many sections which aimed at finding out respondents opinions as to the procedures applied by the deanship of graduate studies and academic research to maintain the quality assurance standards set forth by the deanship for preparing and writing MA thesis in various faculties at the Middle East University. For data analysis and testing the study hypotheses, the researches used the mean, standard deviation and arithmetic percentages. For testing the hypotheses, T test, ANOVA and Scheffee test were used. Key words: Total Quality Management, Thesis Quality Assurance, Qualitative Research, The Manual to Prepare a Thesis.