Revista de estudios teóricos y epistemológicos en política educativa (Sep 2019)
Education policy implementation: trends of research publications (2007-2017)
The article presents a broad review of academic articles in the field of educational policy implementation published between 2007 and 2017. The literature review was carried out in important journals in the educational area, five were national ones and two were international ones, resulting in the selection of 153 articles on the theme. Analyzing academic production from the recent published research on the implementation of educational policies seems to be an important theoretical and methodological contribution to the field. Through the dissemination of the studies, it is proposed to analyze them from different perspectives: the impact of the subject in the recent academic publication, theoretical references pointed out, research methodologies used and thematic categorization. Taking the reference of the studies on Educational Policy Regulation (BARROSO, 2006) and on Street Level Bureaucracy (LIPSKY, 1980; LOTTA, 2015), the categorical analysis of the articles highlighted, especially, those that addressed the role of the different agents in the implementation of educational policies. The systematization, analysis, and categorization of these publications, more than an important contribution to the studies on the theme, points out new possibilities for dialogue in the field.