Apertura (Mar 2021)

Open Educational Resources in virtual teaching communities

  • Joaquín Recio Mayorga,
  • Prudencia Gutiérrez-Esteban,
  • Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 101 – 117


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Formative models related to the theory of connectivism are increasingly flexible, open and participatory. Under this trend, ideas such as virtual teaching communities (VCT) or Open Educational Resources (OER) have been widespread, which lead us to talk about online educational opportunities. Accordingly, this work seeks and analyzes the uses and potentialities of "educational resources of free access" in a VCT, while examining the meaning that members of that community give to the OER. In addition, a qualitative research procedure endorsed the development and validation of data-collection instruments, such as an interview and an indicator guide to analyze and evaluate the OER shared in a VCT, through participant observation, which is characterized by exchange processes and collaborative work among teachers. Among the main findings, it is observed that virtual communities have a greater presence in teacher training, where the impulse and expansion of OER is verified. These facts highlight the importance of the research field of flexible and open education with technology and particularly, the potential use of VCT, where OER have a special relevance in teacher training.
