Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften (Jun 2019)
Narratologische Textauszeichnung in Märe und Novelle. Mit Annotationsbeispielen und exemplarischer Auswertung von Sperber und Häslein durch MTLD und Sozialer Netzwerkanalyse
The article presents an annotation system for narratological phenomena such as space, time, focalisation, reported speech, narrator's speech, the relationship between the speech of a character/of the narrator and that of a certain character, evaluative remarks, negation, figurative speech, and ambiguity. Guidelines for annotation are being developed in order to enable different people to achieve consistent results when working with the same text (inter-annotator agreement). In doing so, narratological models will be systematically reassessed and refined. The aim of this project is therefore to annotate approximately 100 short German-language narratives. The corpus will be reusable for a variety of purposes. It permits systematic access to corpus segments annotated in the same way and supports quantifiable contributions in the fields of historical narratology, cultural studies and the history of literary genres.