Cultura de los Cuidados (Jun 2012)
The corporal exhibition and the care of nursing
This study investigated about the thinks and feels of the patients when their body is exposed naked in front of the therapeutic team at the Hospital San Rafael de Tunja. 16 interviews were conducted, 10 women and 6 men hospitalized, mostly from the rural area. This study used the perspective qualitative; its method was collective case study. The coding and analysis of the interviews emerged the following issues: Nudity and shame for women, nakedness and shame for men, ideas from the upbringing related with the body, clinical situation and its relationship to nakedness. The most evident in the study was the answers about bad feelings and upset perceptions related from the experience of exposure of the naked body in front of strangers in the hospital environment, this situation is related with deteriorating the quality of nursing care because the privacy is considered a right of the patient. This research would give benefits for institution and patient for the implementations of the policies and measures that seek to ensure protection and respect the privacy of the patients.