Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Sep 2015)

多文本課外閱讀對增進國中學生理解歷史主題之研究:以「外侮」主題為例 Using Multiple Texts to Foster Junior High Students’ Historical Understanding

  • 唐淑華 Shu-Hua Tang,
  • 蔡孟寧 Meng-Ning Tsai,
  • 林烘煜 Hung-Yu Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 60, no. 3
pp. 63 – 94


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本研究旨在探討如何透過多文本課外閱讀以增進國中學生對歷史主題的理解。共分兩個研究進行,第一個為前導研究,採觀察與訪談方式以瞭解國中歷史教學的現況,並採內容分析方式探討如何架構「外侮」此一主題的多文本課外閱讀書單;第二個則為正式研究,採準實驗法,以瞭解透過多文本課外閱讀是否能有效增進學生多面向之理解。前導研究首先根據課程綱要選定「外侮」此一主題,再根據多文本閱讀的原則挑選文本。結果發現,可採用「文本互織」原則挑選課外讀物,將教科書設定為「控制式文本」,再根據「補充式文本」、「衝突式文本」、「綜觀式文本」等原則篩選課外書籍。正式研究則發現,多文本閱讀在認知理解等面向的效果較為明顯,但在情意上意見則較不一致。根據發現,篇末乃提出相關建議以供關心閱讀教育工作者參考。 The present study explored how seventh-grade students can benefit from reading multiple texts on controversial topics in history. The study was divided into two parts. The first part entailed classroom observations, interviews, and content analyses of the curriculum framework, textbook, and teacher's manual. It was to select trade books and adolescent literature as multiple sources of further reading in the study of history. The second part compared seventh graders’ construction of meaning after reading textbooks and trade books chosen to enrich the textbook’s content. It was found that by setting textbooks as controlling texts, those complementary texts, conflicting texts and synoptical texts can facilitate students’ deep understanding. By depicting a well-defined relationship between multiple texts and history learning (including content and disciplinary knowledge), this study has implications for theories of reading comprehension for multiple texts and for the design and choice of instructional materials in history.
