Jurnal Humanitas: Katalisator Perubahan dan Inovator Pendidikan (Dec 2023)
Pemanfaatan Media Digital Pada Sistem Pemerintahan: Studi Literatur Berbantuan Nvivo 12 Pro
Information technology has changed the pattern of service to the public to be faster, more precise, wider, and more transparent. The obstacle faced by governments in developing countries is the rapid dissemination of information to various regions to the most remote areas, such as villages and even hamlets. One of the efforts to disseminate information from the government is through the internet. The development of technology in public services is a practical solution in the current technological era. The acceleration of technology has long touched the government sector, in the form of electronic government or e-government e-gov. Comprehensive e-government implementation from the village government level to the center. Various studies have focused on the development and implementation of e-government, so in this study, a literature review was carried out using the PRISMA method with results mapping by the Nvivo Pro 12 program. digital media, both for the internal administration of employees and in public services. A total of 20 articles were mapped into four criteria, including "Government Area Level", "Benefits", and "Digital Media" used. In terms of regional criteria, it shows that research is dominated by cities or districts. The results of grouping e-Gov based on the purpose of implementation or benefits include internal staffing, public services, and the financial sector which is dominated by public services. In the digital media cluster, e-government that has been implemented includes website media, Android applications, programs or software, social media, and electronic mail or e-mail, the most results being website usage.