Populations Vulnérables (Dec 2020)
Les mobilités dans les aires périurbaines du Grand Tunis. Étude de cas d’El Mornaguia
This article analyses the consequences of a periurban installation in El Mornaguia, which is located in the second suburb of Greater Tunis on mobility practices from a questionnaire survey of 5% of households (362 households) and semi-direct interviews with specific groups. The consequences of urban peri-urban settlement of El Mornaguia are studied first, on all households and then on specific groups of the population, namely the elderly (60 years and over), young people (12-18 years) and women alone. The survey shows that daily mobility in El Mornaguia reflects social inequalities. It is also influenced by age at the beginning and end of the life cycle. It is also influenced by gender as men travel more than women.