Revista Principia (Jun 2020)
Extração Hidrometalurgica do potássio presente na rocha Nefelina-Sienito, em função da variação da granulometria e aplicação de tratamento térmico.
Rocks that contain minerals with potassium in their chemical composition, such as, for example, Sienito and Nefelina-Sienito, are an alternative and potentially viable source for extraction of this element, however, for structural reasons this potassium is insoluble and can not be absorbed by plants. Considering that Brazil imports almost as much potassium as the agricultural industry requires, it is necessary to look for alternative ways and routes to take advantage of potentially producing sources. In this sense, a route of mineral processing and metallurgical extraction was proposed in order to make the K present in the Nefelina-Sienito rocks extracted in the city of Pedra Lavrada/PB soluble and usable. The methodology used was to apply thermal treatment and hydrometallurgical extraction with citric acid to analyze the solubility of potassium in two granulometric ranges defined by the granulochemical characterization carried out initially. The results of the granulochemical analysis showed that the highest concentrations of the element of interest were in the bands: retained in 200 and passed through 200 meshes. However, the results of the metallurgical extraction as a function of the different temperatures showed that the highest percentage of solubility (7.68%) was for samples with a grain size less than 200 mesh and a calcination temperature of 1000 ° C.