Поволжская археология (Jun 2016)
New Studies on the Territory of Malyi Gorodok on Bolgar Fortifi ed Settlement
Malyi gorodok is a monumental architectural ensemble, located at the southern extremity of the Bolgar fortifi ed settlement and dated by the second half of 14th c.; it was substantially, but not fully studied during the digs of 1981–1984. In 2011–2015, the authors of this article undertook a new fi eld research on the site, during which they completely cleared the southern structure. The debris discovered belonged to an earlier unstudied stone structure – a mausoleum with fi ve burials. The authors carried out another stratigraphic study of fortifi cations to prove that the internal ditch was not accompanied by a wall, while the external ditch was. Generally, the new data prove the fi ndings of 1980s, including the hypothesis that the ensemble, or at least its north-eastern part, was meant for cult.