Сибирский лесной журнал (Apr 2018)
Economic basis and an experience of plantation forest growing in the Central Volga Region
Conceptual-methodological and economic bases of plantation forest growing are developed. The mathematical models of the dynamics of the productivity of stands of different tree species in the rich types of the forest-growing conditions of the Middle Volga region, their commodity structure, the stumpage cost and the market price of timber are presented. The algorithm of actions for managing forestry on cultivation of forest plantations is offered. It is noted that in the conditions of fresh dubrava (oak forest) and sudubrava (fresh oak and pine forest), pine and larch stands are the most productive. It is concluded that, taking into account the stumpage cost and the market price of timber, it is most profitable in this region of Russia, in oak forest types of forest conditions, to grow plantations of English oak Quercus robur L., in sudubrava conditions it’s more profitable to grow plantations of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L., the Siberian larch Larix sibirica Ledeb., and tillet Tilia cordata Mill. In wet, near floodplain and short-flooded ecotopes, it is promising to grow European ash Fraxinus excelsior L. and high-grade poplar Populus crops. Less economic benefit in the current socio-economic conditions will be in the creation of plantations of common spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst, aspen Populus tremula L., and weeping birch Betula pendula Roth. The culmination of the average annual increment of the stand stumpage cost, which attests to the age of economic maturity, first occurs in aspen forests (at 45 years), and later – in spruce stands (at 70 years). In oak forests it occurs at the age of 65 years, in tillet stands and in larch crops – at 60 years, in birch forests – at 55 years, in pine crops – at 50 years. In the production of forest raw material plantations, the initial density is of great importance, the optimal values of which are determined by the tree species, the assortment and the economic efficiency of cultivation. Increasing the productivity of the stands and accelerating the process of forest growing is possible with the help of agrotechnical, meliorative and silvicultural measures, applying them considering forest growing conditions and the targeted purpose of plantations.