Zdorovʹe Rebenka (Mar 2013)
Features of Functional State of Cardiovascular System in Children with Celiac Disease
The functional state of the cardiovascular system (CVS) of 19 patients with celiac disease aged 9 months — 17 years. 78.9 % of patients had functional changes of CVS (secondary cardiomyopathy, dystonia), symptomatic complaints of pain in the heart, dullness in heart tones, systolic murmur of a functional nature, deviations from the norm in heart rate and blood pressure, ECG changes (mainly disorders in heart rate and in processes of repolarization), echocardiographic signs of central hemodynamics disorders and myocardial dysfunction. Important risk factors for cardiovascular syndrome are metabolic disorders due to malabsorption syndrome and disorders in CVS neurohumoral regulation due to autonomic dysfunction. Deviations from the CVS in children with celiac disease necessitate timely correction of water and electrolyte imbalance and administration of cardiometabolic therapy.