The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Jul 2012)
This article presents (comparatively) the methodology for creating a 3D model of the urban area, based on terrestrial laser scanner, traditional technologies of terrestrial photogrammetry and aerial images. We are reviewing the data sources, their preliminary processing to be brought in a common system and the software used for this purpose. The case study presents the comparative results obtained using the methods listed above. To obtain the 3D models with terrestrial laser scanner systems have been used the dates achieved with ScanStation 2. To obtain the 3D model drawn by traditional photogrammetric methods using the UMK terrestrial camera, have been used auxiliary dates from topographic measurements with GPS systems and total stations as well as the current topographic plans. For the 3D model creation based on the dates taken with aerial digital cameras, were used the aerial images, taken with the ADS40 photogrammetric aerial camera. The comparative study between the three methods was accomplished by analyzing the object space representation fidelity, the precision of the 3D models obtained by comparison of the distances, areas and volumes, comparing the execution time and execution costs. The article presents the conclusions, the advantages and disadvantages of the three technologies based on the criteria listed above.