In die Skriflig (Jun 1997)
Die diens van die Gereformeerde predikant
This research article focuses on the traditional view and pattern of ministry as practised in the Reformed Churches in South Africa. The relevant ecclesiastical documents in this regard are studied. This investigation reveals a three-fold definition of the task of the ministry namely, the ministry of the Word of God and the sacraments, the leading in prayer in the midst of the congregation, and the supervision of the congregation and its fellow office-bearers. This three-fold definition is evaluated in view of Ephesians 4:11-12 and the complaint in ecclesiological circles that Reformed ministry tends to be institutionalist and clericalist. The whole issue of equipping believers as part of the task of the minister and the development of “enabling ministry ” in these circles is discussed. An appeal is made for more research on practical ways in which the task of equipment can be realised effectively in Reformed circles.