Sociologie Românească (Nov 2020)

Interviu cu Adrian Majuru, căștigătorul premiului Academiei Române, „Henri H. Stahl” în sociologie, pentru cartea Francisc Iosif Rainer. Biografia unui proiect de viață (1874-1944), Editura Oscar Print, București, 2018

  • Simona Maria Stănescu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 2


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Back in 1879 two Romanian Academy’s prizes were established for science and literature: „Gheorghe Lazăr” and „Ion Heliade Rădulescu” ( The prizes of the Romanian Academy „are awarded to Romanian scientists and artists living here or abroad for their contribution (…) to the development of Romanian culture and science” ( Since 1996, the Romanian Academy is awarding yearly excellence in domains corresponding to its scientific sections: I Philology and literature, II Historical sciences and archeology, III Mathematics, IV Physics, V Chemistry, VI Biology, VII Geonomic, VIII Technical section, IX Agricultural and Forestry section, X Medicine section, XI Economic, juridical and sociology section, XII Philosophy, theology, psychology and pedagogy section, XIII Art, architecture and audiovisual section and XIV Science and technology of information section. Under the section XI Economic, juridical and sociological sciences, two awards are available for Sociology area: „Dimitrie Gusti” and „Henri H. Stahl”. This interview is conducted with the winner of „Henri H. Stahl” awarded in 2020. More details on history of these awards as well as guidelines and 1998-2017 lists are available on
