Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (Jun 2021)

Women's Experiences Of Vaginal Examination During Normal Childbirth And Affecting Factors: A Qualitative Study

  • Gülnur YILDIRIM,

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 2
pp. 220 – 230


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Aim: This study aims to determine qualitatively experiences and affecting factors of the women related to vaginal examination during labor. Methods: The study was conducted with 20 normal birth giving women at two state hospitals in a province in Turkey. The data were collected by personal information form, semi-structured interview form and interviewer observation form. The data were analyzed by the content analysis. Results: The average age of women was 34.60 ± 6.40, and 75% (n: 15) of them were multiparous. Two themes were identified as “vaginal examination concept” and “experience and emotional reactions related to the vaginal examination.” The themes affecting the vaginal examination experience were also determined as “affecting life” and “expectations on vaginal examination.” The participants often declared that the examination was performed to assess the progression of childbirth. They also stated that they did not get enough information from the healthcare professionals during the examination process. They declared that the professionals did not pay enough attention to their privacy, and they were exposed to unnecessary and frequent vaginal examinations. According to the results, most of their experiences were negative (especially feelings of shame, pain and loneliness). The healthcare professionals were expected to be friendly and informative. The examination environment was expected to be appropriate in terms of ergonomics. Conclusion: Women expect special attention for their physical and psycho-social care needs during vaginal examination.
