Bulletin du Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles (Oct 2021)

Pages d’histoire : le livre illustré dans le sillage du musée historique de Versailles

  • Margot Renard



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This paper examines the reception and diffusion, by way of the illustrated book, of plans for the Musée de l’Histoire de France at Versailles, which opened in 1837. It focuses on two types of Romantic book, published after the inauguration of the museum: the illustrated catalogue in thirteen volumes by Charles Gavard (sponsored by the French government) and the illustrated guide by Alexandre de Laborde. The books were aimed at all social categories in France, and tried to convey the message, size and materiality of the museum, whose goal was to illustrate the national narrative as seen by Louis-Philippe. The authors took up the Versailles narrative – with different objectives – to deliver an intellectual and dreamlike reflection served by a certain graphic inventiveness.
