Journal of Health Research (Feb 2022)

Prevalence and correlates of contraceptive use among vocational schools adolescents in Northern Thailand

  • Shamsudeen Yau,
  • Yau Adamu,
  • Pramote Wongsawat,
  • Archin Songthap

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 36, no. 2
pp. 300 – 310


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Purpose – This study aimed to determine the prevalence of and factors associated with contraceptive use among school-going adolescents. Design/methodology/approach – A cross-sectional study was conducted among vocational school students in Phitsanulok, Northern Thailand. The study employed a multistage random sampling technique to select 391 students from three schools that were purposively selected. Findings – The prevalence of contraceptive use during the most recent sexual intercourse was 75.8%. The condom was the most commonly used contraceptive method, followed by emergency pills and the rhythm/calendar method. Being male, in the second academic year, sexual communication with parents, sex with a casual partner or sex worker and contraceptive use at sexual initiation were significant risk factors for contraceptive use (p < 0.05). The preventive factors were subdistrict municipality area residency, extended family, medium or high income and partners who drank (p < 0.05). Originality/value – The authors found a high prevalence of contraceptive use among school-going adolescents. Maintaining and improving this trend would require a concerted effort from all stakeholders to promote early sexuality communication and ensure access and use of contraceptive services.
