Dental Research Journal (Jan 2011)
Distribution assessment of maxillofacial fractures in trauma admitted patients in Yazd hospitals: An epidemiologic study
Background: Fracture, is discontinuity of anatomical bone relations. Commonly, a maxillofacial fracture occurs after trauma but the etiology and pattern of this entity is different amongst countries. The aim of this study was to clarify the main causes of this entity in Yazd to increase public and professional awareness to prevent more injuries and subsequent consequences. Materials and Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study consisted of 194 patients admitted in public hospitals in Yazd, Iran. Variables such as age, gender, cause of accidents, site of fracture and treatment method were noted and recorded in a questionnaire filled during hospitalization of these patients. Causes of accident were classified by 6 reasons such as accident by car and motorcycle, fighting and violence, falls, sports and occupational injuries. The site of fractures, including mandible, maxilla, nasal, frontal and orbital were considered. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Results: The results showed that maxillofacial fractures are more prevalent in male than females (69% versus 31%). The Most sites of fractures were nasal bone (79%). The majority of people with maxillofacial fractures were in the age ranged between 20-29 years and the main reason of maxillofacial fractures was motorcycle accident. Conclusion: According to our result, most sites of fractures were in nasal bone. The main cause of maxillofacial fractures was motorcycle accident. However, in each age range the most common cause of accident was different.