Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (Aug 2022)

Conservation strategies and methods of dealing with the heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Adel Saleh Bouregh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21
pp. 241 – 258


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The rise of a nation starts with heritage awareness, therefore, the architectural heritage, in particular, the historical heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), not only adds value for the nation as a whole, it is also an integral part of the heritage of humanity. A country cannot develop without the conservation and protection of its heritage. The aim of this research is to suggest that clear methods and strategies are required for the protection and conservation of the heritage components present in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In this research, several elements are addressed, such as urban heritage, heritage conservation and heritage / historical buildings. Several common strategies in the process of heritage conservation are explored. The research also includes the evaluation of one of the local heritage sites registered on the list of protected world heritage. The results provided in this research can help the concerned bodies to deal more appropriately with the heritage components present in the KSA.
