Late onset cardiovascular dysfunction in adult mice resulting from galactic cosmic ray exposure
Muath Bishawi,
Franklin H. Lee,
Dennis M. Abraham,
Carolyn Glass,
Stephanie J. Blocker,
Daniel J. Cox,
Zachary D. Brown,
Howard A. Rockman,
Lan Mao,
Tony C. Slaba,
Mark W. Dewhirst,
George A. Truskey,
Dawn E. Bowles
Muath Bishawi
Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, MRSB1 Rm. 421b, 203 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710, USA; Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, Durham, NC 27708, USA
Franklin H. Lee
Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, MRSB1 Rm. 421b, 203 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Dennis M. Abraham
Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Carolyn Glass
Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Stephanie J. Blocker
Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Daniel J. Cox
Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, MRSB1 Rm. 421b, 203 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Zachary D. Brown
Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, MRSB1 Rm. 421b, 203 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Howard A. Rockman
Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Lan Mao
Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
Tony C. Slaba
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA
Mark W. Dewhirst
Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
George A. Truskey
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering, Durham, NC 27708, USA
Dawn E. Bowles
Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, MRSB1 Rm. 421b, 203 Research Drive, Durham, NC 27710, USA; Corresponding author
Summary: The complex and inaccessible space radiation environment poses an unresolved risk to astronaut cardiovascular health during long-term space exploration missions. To model this risk, healthy male c57BL/6 mice aged six months (corresponding to an astronaut of 34 years) were exposed to simplified galactic cosmic ray (GCR5-ion; 5-ion sim) irradiation at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) at Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL). Multi-modal cardiovascular functional assessments performed longitudinally and terminally revealed significant impairment in cardiac function in mice exposed to GCR5-ion compared to unirradiated controls, gamma irradiation, or single mono-energetic ions (56Fe or 16O). GCR5-ion-treated mice exhibited increased arterial elastance likely mediated by disruption of elastin fibers. This study suggests that a single exposure to GCR5-ion is associated with deterioration in cardiac structure and function that becomes apparent long after exposure, likely associated with increased morbidity and mortality. These findings represent important health considerations when preparing for successful space exploration.