Journal of Problem-Based Learning (Oct 2019)

Priority Analysis of PBL Evaluation Score using AHP

  • Mincheol Kim

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2
pp. 54 – 58


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Purpose The aim of this study was to improve the objectivity of an assessment scale by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology with the learners themselves determining the weightings against the importance of evaluation factors. Methods By analyzing assessment results of 20 respondents, calculations of the relative importance of the PBL evaluation factors were made. Results The PBL rating scale factor (0.450) was the most important factor in the first criterion. As a result, participants in the PBL class were weighted more heavily on the evaluation of the members of the team. Within the evaluation of team members using the second criterion, they were interested in problem solving activities (0.287) and self-direction (0.283) - these were highly weighted. Finally, in the relative importance (global weight) of all the measures (12) in the secondary criterion, problem solving activity (0.129) was found to be the most important activity in applying PBL processes. Conclusions: As a result, it is possible to increase the satisfaction of the learning effect by setting the weight of the PBL evaluation scale. Hence, this educational design based on creativity has the advantages of PBL in that the students become more involved in class by engaging themselves creatively and actively, and the university can naturally contribute to nurturing creative talents.
