Baština (Jan 2014)

Educative programmes for peer's violence prevention: School and family as a crucial factor

  • Bazić Bojana M.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2014, no. 37
pp. 267 – 277


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School violence is a group phenomenon, episode which is performed inside a social institution and among group members. Therefore, it is in a large amount dependent on the group context in which violence is being occurred, and wider social context with its norms and customs. It should not be neglected the fact violence (aggression) is a complex communicative phenomenon act in the course of social interaction frequently long-term process - and the problem of differentiation of aggression stems from the complexity and richness of social communication. One general observation indicates the fact children in all cultures and societies are prone to some forms of aggressive behaviour manifestation. Each society deals with the problem of aggressive behaviour regarding own value system and process of socialization. The society should admit, recognize, and understand the problem of violence, and should fight against it; all factors from family as basic cell of the society, school personnel and other members of social community should take part in that fight. Prevention is the best in the sense of good socialization of youths, what should have been the task of the whole society, and first of all family and school. School has got the possibility to prevent violence early, and it is of equal importance that it has got the possibility to develop positive social behaviour with pupils. Culture of violence, created on the foundations of wars and nourished by media presentation and violence glorification was labelled as culprit, but regarding violence being happened in schools it might be more accurate to speak on the culture on non-respect, intolerance and mutual disregard, which arise from social anomaly.
