Cogitare Enfermagem (Dec 2013)


  • Virna Ribeiro Feitosa Cestari,
  • Islene Victor Barbosa,
  • Zuíla Maria de Figueiredo Carvalho,
  • Elizabeth Mesquita Melo,
  • Rita Mônica Borges Studart

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 4
pp. 796 – 802


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This integrative literature review aimed to describe the scientific evidence available regarding infant cerebral palsy. The search for articles took place in the SciELO, LILACS and MEDLINE databases, in May – September 2012. The sample was made up of 25 published studies, in the Portuguese and/or English languages, between January 2006 and April 2012. The analysis of the publications identified eight thematic axes regarding the issue: general considerations about the pathology, classification of the extent of motor and cognitive compromise, the parents’ knowledge regarding the cerebral palsy, the condition’s impact for the mothers/family members and children, evaluation and promotion of quality of life of the mothers/children, care for the child with cerebral palsy, and social inclusion of the child with cerebral palsy. It was observed that there is a small number of articles published related to nursing care for the child with cerebral palsy, evidencing the need for further studies on the issue in Brazil and worldwide.
