Salud Pública de México (Jun 2020)

Molecular variation of Plasmodium vivax dehydrofolate reductase in Mexico and Nicaragua contrasts with that occurring in South America

  • Lilia González-Cerón,
  • Mario H Rodríguez,
  • Alberto Montoya,
  • Frida Santillán-Valenzuela,
  • Josselin C Corzo-Gómez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 62, no. 4, jul-ago
pp. 364 – 371


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Objective. To research mutations associated to pyrimetha­mine resistance in dihydrofolate reductase (pvdhfr) of Plasmo­dium vivax from Mexico and Nicaragua and compare it to that reported in the rest of America. Materials and methods. Genomic DNA was obtained from P. vivax-infected blood sam­ples. A pvdhfr gene fragment was amplified and sequenced. The identified gene variations were compared to those observed in other affected sites of America. Results. No mutations in pvdhfr were detected in P. vivax from Mexico and Nicaragua. One synonymous change and variation in the repeat domain was detected in Nicaraguan parasites. In South America, a high frequency of variant residues 58R and 117N associated to pyrimethamine resistance was reported. Conclusions. The lack of polymorphisms associated with pyrimethamine resis­tance suggests that drug-resistant P. vivax has not penetrated Mesoamerica, nor have local parasites been under selective pressure. These data contribute to establish the basis for the epidemiological surveillance of drug resistance.
