Jurnal Agripet (Oct 2019)

Evaluasi Kinerja Pertumbuhan Sapi Silangan Belgian Blue dan Peranakan Ongole

  • Jakaria Jakaria,
  • Edwar Edwar,
  • Mokhamad Fakhrul Ulum,
  • Rudy Priyanto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 2
pp. 136 – 141


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ABSTRAK. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kinerja pertumbuhan sapi persilangan Belgian Blue (BB) dan sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) pada turunan pertama (F1). Sapi persilangan (BB dan PO) yang digunakan sebanyak 15 ekor terdiri atas jantan 6 ekor dan betina 9 ekor, selain itu digunakan 8 ekor sapi PO betina yang dipelihara di Balai Embrio Ternak (BET) Cipelang Bogor. Peubah yang diamati adalah bobot lahir (BW), bobot sapih (WW) 205 hari, bobot 1 tahun (YW), pertambahan bobot badan harian dari lahir (GBW) sampai sapih (GWW) dan pertambahan bobot badan harian dari sapih (GWW) sampai umur 1 tahun (GYW). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan perbedaan antar sapi silangan (BB-PO) dengan sapi PO dilakukan uji t. Hasil analisis bobot badan dan pertumbuhan menunjukkan bahwa, bobot badan sapi silangan BB dan PO lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sapi PO pada WW 205 hari (165,2±21,3 kg dan 115±15,2 kg), YW (365 hari) (240,7±28,1 kg dan 194,9±26,1 kg) dan GBW sampai GWW (0,675±0,097 kg dan 0,441±0,059 kg). BW dan GWW sampai GYW tidak berbeda antara sapi silangan BB-PO dengan PO. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program cross-breeding sapi BB dengan PO dapat meningkatkan kinerja bobot badan dan pertumbuhan. (Growth performance evaluation of belgian blue and ongole crossbreed) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the growth performance of cross-breeding of Belgian Blue (BB) and Ongole Grade (PO) cattle in the first generation (F1). Crossbred of BB and PO cattle used as many as 15 individuals consisting of 6 males and 9 females, also, 8 individual PO females are used which are kept in the Livestock Embryo Center (BET) Cipelang, Bogor. The observed variables were birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW) 205 days, 1-year weight (YW) 365 days, daily body weight gain from birth (GBW) to weaning (GWW) and daily body weight gain from weaning (GWW) until the age of 1 year (GYW). Data were analyzed descriptively and the difference between cross-breeding (BB-PO) cattle and PO cattle was analyzed by t-test. The results of body weight and growth analysis showed that crossbred BB and PO cattle were higher than PO cattle at WW 205 days (165.2 ± 21.3 kg and 115 ± 15.2 kg), YW (365 days) (240.7 ± 28.1 kg and 194.9 ± 26.1 kg ) and GBW to GWW (0.675 ± 0.097 kg and 0.441 ± 0.059 kg). BW and GWW to GYW do not differ between crossbred BB-PO and PO cattle. The results of this study indicate that the cross-breeding program for BB cattle with PO cattle breeds can improve the performance of body weight and growth.
