Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Aug 2015)

Engineering movement of qualified skiers-racers skating style in the current development of ski races

  • Sergey Kotliar,
  • Oleksandr Aghyppo,
  • Tatyana Dorofeeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 4
pp. 54 – 58


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Purpose: analysis of technique of skiing skating style of leading sportsmen of the world. Material and Methods: research was conducted by means of analysis of video data and кинограмм of of skilled racing cross-country ski and biathlon of leading countries of the world. Results: the analysis of dynamic descriptions of technique of the same name ski motions educed the row of factors, from that sportsmen, what applied «Double Push» in the technique of skiing, increase speed of passing of short segments on 4-6%. Conclusions: implementation of «Double Push» can useful for racing cross-country ski and biathlon on competitions on a sprint, on rollers-ski and at implementation of short accelerations on distance, and also on a finish
