Ambigua (Feb 2020)
La Comédie des quatre femmes de Marguerite de Navarre ou les parfums féministes navarriens.
The King of France, Louis XII, who didn’t have any heirn, decided to secure the trone for the future François I, Marguerite of Angouleme’sbrother who became in spite ofherself the Duchess of Alençon when she married Charles by order of Louis XII.A loveless marriage in which one she felt alone. So, she started to study religion and theological reflection. As she was very found of studying, thoses two subjects will be very important for her future writings. By order of her brother,she married Henri II of Albret, when her first husband died,and became Queen of Navarre. With this marital union, she experimented maternity, but love was still missing. So, her compromise towards Evangelism and theatre added spice to her life. Among her writings, La comédie des quatre femmestook shape in 1542. A farce to criticize arranged and unhappy marriages imposed to maidens in front of a new feminine lifestyle model in favour of liberty and voluntary celibacy. An innovative status which generated a lively discussion among traditional spirits.