Edukacja Muzyczna (Mar 2024)

The Slovak Song Production on Foreign-language Lyric of Profane Character I.

  • Miriam Žiarna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18


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This work shows a view of Slovak composers and their song production, with a focus on profane songs accompanied by piano for foreign-language texts written by German, Austrian, Hungarian, French, English, Italian, Polish, Russian, Armenian, Swedish, and Czech poets. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part presents an overview of composers and their works from the predecessors and founders of Slovak national music to the music of modernism, and the second part from the period of the musical avant-garde to the present day. Our aim is to sum up the above mentioned song repertoire and – consequently – to provide a view of the development of vocal foreign-text literature within the history of Slovak music, incl. the possibility of their use in the concert repertoires of singers of all vocal segments.
