Educação & Realidade (Apr 2016)

Network Action and the Jovem de Futuro Project: privatization of the public scope

  • Vera Maria Vidal Peroni,
  • Maria Raquel Caetano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 41, no. 2


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This article focuses on the relations between the public and the private scope in education by examining Instituto Unibanco’s Project named Jovem de Futuro [Promising Youth], as well as on analyzing the influence from entities participating in the governance board of the Institute and its relation networks. The main subject is the privatization of the public scope, the market logic, with implications for the democratization of education. We sought to analyze how the private interferes with the public scope through the partnership between Instituto Unibanco and high schools, in which the property remains public but the private institution interferes with the content of education by means of results-based management, bringing an individualistic and competitive market logic, rather than democratic principles.
