Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada (Sep 2021)
FASD prevalence among children and youth: results from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth
IntroductionThe lack of national fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) prevalence estimates represents an important knowledge gap. MethodsUsing data from the 2019 Canadian Health Survey on Children and Youth, the prevalence of FASD was examined by age, sex and Indigenous identity. Median age of diagnosis and comorbid long-term health conditions were also assessed. ResultsThe prevalence of FASD among Canadian children and youth living in private dwellings was 1 per 1000 (0.1%). The prevalence was significantly higher among those who identified as Indigenous and lived off reserve (1.2%). ConclusionThese findings are in keeping with FASD prevalence studies that used similar passive surveillance methods. They provide a starting point to better understanding the prevalence and burden of FASD in Canada.