Contemporary Clinical Dentistry (Jan 2014)

"Liver blood clot:" A reactionary hemorrhage following periodontal surgery

  • J Barot Varshal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 4
pp. 140 – 142


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Invasive dental procedures, such as extractions and periodontal surgeries, are associated with postoperative bleeding, which is generally self-arresting. In healthy patients, the postoperative bleeding is mainly due to local causes, which dislodges the blood clot like physical disturbance of the surgical area by tongue or any foreign body. Reactionary hemorrhage associated with periodontal flap surgery is an uncommon finding. Here is a case of 45-year-old systemically healthy female patient reported with an unusual condition of the formation of "liver blood clot" or "currant jelly clot" following periodontal flap surgery.
