Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte (Jan 2018)
Análise da produção científica sobre o caratê em língua portuguesa
The aim of this study was to analyze the scientific production on Karate in Portuguese language published in journals indexed in SciELO and BIREME, through a bibliometric analysis. Searches were carried out in SciELO and BVS-Bireme databases, associated with a manual search in Google Scholar, using the following keywords: “Karatê”, “Caratê”, “Artes Marciais”, “Karateca” and “Carateca”. Full articles published in Portuguese language in peer-reviewed journals were included in this study. Three categories were selected for the bibliometric analysis: journals, authors and themes. The search resulted in 318 records, of which 25 were included in this review and were published between 1984 and 2017 in journals classified in different strata of Qualis Capes, ranging from C to A2. In relation to the authors, the largest concentration of research groups that publish on Karate is found in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil. Regarding the themes, there is a predominance of those related to biomechanics (analysis of reaction time and movement speed during execution of kicks and punches, and manual grip strength) and exercise physiology (analysis of blood lactate and heart rate, energy expenditure, sweating rate and subjective perception of exertion during training and/or competition sessions). The scientific production about Karate in portuguese language allowed us to concluded that there is a predominance of studies in the biomechanical and exercises research areas, which included adults of different technical levels, mainly men advanced level.