Data in Brief (Jun 2022)
Data on unveiling the occurrence of transient, multi-contaminated mafic magmas inside a rhyolitic reservoir feeding an explosive eruption (Nisyros, Greece)
This data article includes the description and the geochemical and mineralogical dataset of 67 pyroclastic rock samples from the Upper Pumice (UP) explosive activity of Nisyros volcano (eastern South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc). A detailed field and petrographic description of the studied outcrops and samples are reported, including representative photomicrographs and SEM images, whole-rock major and trace elements compositions of 31 representative samples and Sr-Nd isotope ratios on 22 selected samples. Analytical methods and conditions used for data acquisition are also reported.The UP eruption produced a stratigraphic sequence constituted by a basal fallout deposit, gradually substituted by pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits; these are overlaid by a lag-breccia unit, and the sequence is closed by a grey ash flow level. The juvenile is mainly constituted by white-yellow, moderately crystalline pumice with rhyolitic composition and homogenous Sr-Nd isotope values. Variable amounts of dense, grey, crystalline juvenile lapilli clasts (CRC, Crystal-Rich Clast), with rounded shape and less evolved composition (andesite to dacite) are also present in the deposit. These mafic CRCs are peculiar due to their large variability in textures (from distinctive diktytaxitic to strongly fragmented structure without a defined fabric) and in the geochemical and isotopic composition.The data acquired were fundamental to reconstruct the complex and peculiar history of ascent, storage and differentiation/assimilation processes of these mafic melts before their intrusion into the shallow, rhyolitic magma chamber, with important implication on the possible eruption trigger during the more recent explosive phase of activity at Nisyros volcano. Moreover, the geochemical and isotopic analyses provide new original data to the general knowledge of the Aegean volcanics.All the data reported in this paper are related to the research article Braschi et al. (2022)