Buletin Al-Turas (Jul 2013)

Ahmad Hassan : Kontribusi Ulama Dan Pejuang Pemikiran Islam Di Nusantara Dan Semenanjung Melayu

  • Nur Hizbullah

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 2
pp. 285 – 296


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Abstrak Dampak Penjajahan bagi kondisi umat Islam di Indonesia terasa sampai kepada kehidupan beragama masyarakat. Situasi ini menimbulkan keprihatinan dan memicu sejumlah tokoh ulama di nusantara untuk bergerak mempelopori perbaikan khususnya kehidupan keislaman masyarakat. Di antara tokoh yang terkemuka dalam jajaran ulama nusantara adalah Ahmad Hassan. Belliau aktif membina dan membesarkan organisasi Persatuan Islam dengan menjadi guru pada sekolah-sekolah binaan lembaga itu di Bandung. Setelah itu, beliau pindah ke Bangil, Jawa Timur, dan perjuangannya semakin meluas dan kontribusinya diakui banyak orang. Selain membesarkan Pesantren Persatuan Islam di Bangil, beliau juga aktif menulis sejumlah artikel dan buku. Yang paling termasyhur adalah al-Furqan Tafsir Quran dan inilah yang mengangkat namanya di jajaran ulama besar nusantara bahkan semenanjung Melayu. Di masa kini, semakin penting arti karya-karya beliau dan para ulama nusantara lainnya. Sudah saatnya ada gerakan nasional mengumpulkan kembali dokumentasi karya-karya besar di masa lalu dan mengabadikannya agar mereka semua senantiasa dikenang oleh Umat Islam nusantara lintas generasi, --- Abstract Impact of Colonialism for the condition of Muslims in Indonesia feel up to the religious life of the community. This situation raises concerns and triggered a number of prominent religious leaders in the country to move spearhead improvements, especially the life of the Islamic community. Among the prominent figures in the ranks of the clergy archipelago is Ahmad Hassan. Belliau actively nurture and raise the Union of Islamic organizations to become teachers in the target schools that institution in Bandung. After that, he moved to Bangil, East Java, and struggles are widespread and recognized the contribution of many people. In addition to raising the Union of Islamic boarding school in Bangil, he also writes a number of articles and books. The most famous is al-Furqan Quran Tafsir and that which bears his name in the ranks of the great scholars of the archipelago and even the Malay peninsula. At the present time, the more important the sense of the works of the scholars he and other archipelago. It is time there was a nationwide movement collect the documentation of the great works of the past and preserve it so that they all always be remembered by Muslims archipelago across generations,
