Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (Jun 2010)
Resoconto sul Convegno Internazionale «Immigrazione e intercultura in Italia e in Spagna: prospettive, proposte ed esperienze a confronto», 11-13 novembre 2009, Roma, Università degli Studi «Roma Tre», Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
The paper highlights the main results of the international conference entitled «Immigrazione e intercultura in Italia e in Spagna: prospettive, proposte ed esperienze a confronto» («Immigration and inter-culture in Italy and Spain: A comparison of prospects, proposals and experiences»), held on 11-13 November 2009 at the Faculty of Education Sciences of «Roma Tre» University. The speakers’ contributions enabled a comparison of the study and research experiences of the two southern European countries which have both had rather similar experiences of migration. After having long been countries of emigration, both Italy and Spain have become targets of immigration flows over the last thirty years. Alongside these similarities, however, there are also some significant differences linked to the history of the two countries. Spain has historically had significant linguistic and cultural communities enjoying great political and administrative autonomy. During the conference there developed an interesting comparison of migration policies and of the resulting educational measures adopted in the two countries, with regard to strategies, practices, projects, didactic activities and research.