Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje (Jan 2011)
Another dictionary by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti in manuscript
This paper presents all three dictionary manuscripts written by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti (1651–1732), canon of Zadar, that are known to the public. All scientific articles and studies are reconsidered, especially those by Ferrari Cupilli, as well as the only authentic document: Tanzlingher’s will. A description is included of work on the digitization of the manuscript dictionary kept in Padua and the preparation of its electronic version for publishing. Another of Zanotti’s dictionaries in manuscript found in Zadar in 2009 is presented. Also, a synoptic overview of the first hundred headwords in all four dictionaries is given. Because of the wealth of the language in the dictionaries, which has remained largely unknown until today, a formation of a single corpus of all dictionaries in manuscript is suggested. We hope that such a corpus would provide better insight into the historical development of the Croatian language of the late 17th and early 18th centuries.