Saber & Educar (Dec 2011)
Indutores de problematização aplicados a uma aula de antropologia e dilema moral emergente
This article describes an experience that occurred in when teaching students of the social education degree, whom, after having conducted an anthropological investigation in a neighborhood of Oporto based on the concept of “non-places” of Marc Augé, continued not “seeing” and “recognizing” the people, who remained faceless and nameless in the specific transcripts and speeches of these students. The problem of invisibility raised here has been worked in the classroom from the theoretical model of problematization and applied in this case to the moral dilemmas that arose in the spirit of the teacher when he has realized the inability of students to “see” (= recognize) the inhabitants of the neighborhood. The problem has risen when this experiment showed that the humanist education of social educators, supposed to be attained through classes, had not yet developed. From this finding, and the use of the diamond of problematization from Musquer suggested by Fabre (2009), the teacher has chosen a method of teaching moral epistemology focused on brought to light ways of looking with indifference or mired the stereotypes “through others” without regarding the subject in his personal status. In the future it is intended to withdraw from moral injuries, inflicted (unconsciously) by students to those ‘invisible’ ones, the moral principles of the concept of recognition, which requires the learning some moral literacy, especially of social educators.