USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration (Dec 2019)
In the last decades technology has evolved a lot, which at the beginning of the 20th century seemed a fiction today is a reality. Cordless phones, the internet, computers, spacecraft, robots are just some of the discoveries made over the past decade that have had a major influence on the world we live in. These discoveries have generally been made to facilitate human activities, such as: real-time communication at very large distances free of charge or with substantial costs, finding / obtaining easily the information you need from absolutely any field, obtaining fast results and with considerable precision. In this article I will present the concept of Artificial Intelligence, what it represents, what are its fields and technologies, where it is used and what facilities it offers us. It is a dynamic field driven by substantial investments in research and rapid growth of knowledge performance. All the efforts made by scientists or independent researchers go towards the desire to truly create an Artificial Intelligence.