«I love the Academy and I will alwais work for the sake of love to it...» (letters of Kiev’s ecclesiastical academy’s professor D. I. Bogdashevskiy to A. A. Dmitrievskiy)
This is the publication of the letters of Kiev’s ecclesiastical academy’s professor D. I. Bogdashevskiy, future archbishop Basil, to his former academic colleague, professor A. A. Dmitrievskiy. The basic kernel of the extant letters covers the period since March, 1908 till October, 1911 — the very complicated and conflicting period for the Higher Russian theological schools. Letters informs about the Academy’s home life, about the relation between corporation’s members during the uneasy period of the Russian history and about the extracurricular church activity of the Academy’s professors at the Kiev’s religious-educational Society. Published letters were found in the A. A. Dmitrievskogo’s archival fund at the Department of manuscripts of the Russian national library.